ECE 4070 Contents
Syllabus and Course Details
Lecture Notes and Handouts
Homework and Exams
Note: Projects and Labs are not available for this course.
Course Description
The course covers fundamentals of solid state physics relevant to semiconductors, electronic and photonic devices, and nanostructures.
Topics covered include free electron gas in 3D, 2D, and 1D; crystal lattices and the reciprocal lattice; electron states and energy bands in molecules and solids; calculations of energy bands; metals, insulators, and semiconductors; graphene, 2D atomic materials, and nanotubes; lattice dynamics and phonons in 1D, 2D, and 3D materials; electron statistics and dynamics in energy bands; effective mass theorem; electron transport and Boltzmann equation; electron-photon interaction in energy bands; optical interband and intraband processes; plasmons and polaritons; semiconductor heterostructures; electron states in zero, one, and two dimensional nanostructures; quantum wells, wires, and dots; quantum ballistic transport in nanostructures.
Farhan Rana
316 Phillips Hall, Ithaca, NY
Phone: 607-255-6317
Email: farhan.rana at
Course Level
Undergraduate (senior level)
As Offered In
Spring 2012
Required Text(s)
Course Structure
The course consists of:
- Three weekly lectures
- One weekly section
- Two prelim exams and one final exam